Three Types Of Choice

Thought has three levels of consciousness, which allows Consciousness to have three types of choice:

Conscious Choice: Is the right of every conscious ego Self.

My Soul allows my Self unconditional choice. I am conscious of the choices that I make or do not make. I make conscious choices based on my rational assessment of what I believe to be best for me.

Judgment or discernment is a process of balancing my beliefs about what is good or bad for me and other people. I balance what has happened in the past with my belief about what will happen in the future, to make a present choice.

In a relative dual reality world, what I believe to be good can turn out to be bad and what I believe to be right can prove to be wrong, for me. This dilemma is what makes it difficult to make conscious rational choices.

Rational intelligence, with which conscious choices are made intellectually reasonable, is only as good as the information or intelligence that is available. When rational intelligence is without emotional intelligence, it is often fallible.

Conscious choice becomes a challenge when the mind is in conflict with the heart. Being disconnected from my heart centre, in an insensitive and unemotional way, is not emotionally intelligent and leaves my rational intelligence out of balance with my true reality.

Sub-conscious Choice: Is doing something automatically, without consciously thinking about it.

Going to bed may be a conscious choice but going to sleep, and waking up, are a choice of our sub-conscious mind. The more I consciously choose to go to sleep, the longer I stay awake.

Routine, habits and addictions are all sub-conscious choices. They are what I normally do in the sub-conscious belief that they are good for me.

Sub-conscious choices are chosen at a sub-conscious level of the mind called the Id. My Id is my sub-conscious autonomous auto-pilot. When I believe that a different choice is unnecessary, I get on and do what I always do, without thinking about it.

Thinking is the process of making a conscious choice, whereas a sub-conscious choice is a matter of instinct. When I act without thinking, I call it instinctive when it is positive and I call it an accident when it proves to be negative. When I do something detrimental without thinking, I see it as an accident because I didn’t do it consciously, on purpose.

My sub-conscious mind works instinctively based on my beliefs about what is real. When I believe that I am awkward and clumsy then that becomes my experience. Every sub-conscious choice is driven by a sub-conscious belief. I get lost, confused and frustrated when my sub-conscious beliefs are in conflict, chaos or turmoil.

Super-conscious Choice: Is an inspired revelation.

It is an ah! ha! moment of clarity that gives a present choice of direction. Often called Serendipity or Providence, it is always an opportunity of choice.

Super-conscious choices are intuitive, whether I am aware of them or not. Making super-conscious choices requires an awareness of intuition.

Intuitive choice can be made with a sense of intuitive knowing, a sense of intuitive feeling, a sense of intuitive seeing, or all three. When I intuitively see the best choice for me, I both know and feel it to be exactly right for me.

Intuition requires emotional intelligence. When my rational intelligence has been sub-consciously programmed to override my emotional intelligence, intuition becomes restricted or blocked. My unawareness of intuition disconnects my ability to be intuitively emotionally intelligent.

Whenever something intuitively feels good, it is my best choice. When something feels good it is super-consciously empowered, so it is good. I cannot feel good and make a bad choice, unless I ignore my feelings and make a sub-conscious choice.

Feeling Good is always assured whereas, when I know something is good, I may not be aware of whether that knowing is rational knowledge or whether it is an intuitive insight.

My sub-conscious instinct is driven by either rational or irrational beliefs, not intuitive feelings. Whereas conscious choices based on sub-conscious fears are fallible, super-conscious choices based on intuitive insights are certainly all beneficial. When I have faith in my intuition, it never lets me down.

A choice is super-conscious when it aligns me with my vision, mission & purpose for my lifetime. Aligned with my vision, making choices on purpose to fulfil my Soul’s mission for its Self, is always beneficial and the best choice ever for me.

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