Three Systems In Crisis

In our modern society, there are three systems in crisis.

The Financial System

The financial system is in crisis due to the belief that power comes from money.

Money is a measure of my dependency on other people.

My emotional power comes from who I am being, not money.

The Education System

The education system is in crisis due to the belief that knowledge gives us the ability to earn the money that supplies our emotional power and gives us influence and status over others.

Education is a measure of the ability to logically process rational information.

My authority is intuitive and comes from the revelations of my inspired thoughts.

Our education system does not recognise the existence of emotional intelligence or intuition.

The Health System

The health system is in crisis due to the belief that we need other people to cure us of our ills & ailments.

Our health system only treats the symptoms of our un-wellness.

My health is innate. It is the physical ability of my emotional power aligned with my intellectual authority.

Our society believes that with enough money we can buy the knowledge and ability to be healthy.

Unfortunately, it is our financial system and our education system that creates our system of ill health.

In the absence of educated emotional intelligence, we use money as a substitute for emotional power. It is money, or the lack of it, that has become the root cause of all our ills and woes.

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