Three Spiritual Planes Of Existence

Human Beings simultaneously exist on three distinct planes:

  1. The Astral Plane is where I develop the mental capacity of my intellect, with conscious thoughts of my mind.
  2. The Corporeal Plane is where I develop the physical capability of my instinct, with the active experience of my body.
  3. The Etheric Plane is where I develop the emotional competence of my intuition, with the awareness of my feeling heart.
  • A physical human being having a physical experience only has knowledge of the corporeal plane of existence
  • A spiritual human being having a spiritual experience, intuitively feels only the etheric plane of existence
  • A physical human being having a spiritual experience, intuitively knows only the astral plane of existence
  • A spiritual human being having a physical experience can intuitively see all three spiritual planes of existence

Seeing all three spiritual planes of existence, allows the experience of:

  1. The thoughtful feeling experiences of a unified heart, mind & body
  2. The capacity for competent capability through active conscious-awareness
  3. The physically, mental emotion of an instinctive, intuitive intellect
  • My astral mental mind has the intellectual capacity of conscious thought
  • My etheric emotional heart has an intuitively competent awareness of feeling
  • My corporeal physical body has the instinctive capability of active experience

Uniting all three planes of existence allows a truly beneficial, ideal & divine, physical experience for every spiritual Human Being.

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