Three Sources Of Learning

Knowledge is information that is learned from three apparently different sources. It is learned from a 1st, 2nd or 3rd person Source.

First person learning is knowledge gained through the experience of the physical Self. Knowledge gained or learned through physical experience is by using one of the five physical senses of sight, hearing, smell, taste or touch. I learn everything that I know about my physical reality through the experience of my physical senses. Physical experience is the experience of physically sensing or making sense of physical reality with knowledge that is learned. My ego sense of physical self is my first person experience, of which I am said to have first hand knowledge.

First hand experience of learning through a 3rd person is called teaching or being taught. Teaching is the process of transferring knowledge from a 3rd person, called a teacher, to a first person, called a student or a pupil.

Third person learning is knowledge that is passed from someone else to myself. The system of parenting children is a process of third person learning. The third person is the parent who teaches their children everything that they need them to know, before they go to school. School is a State Institution, where children learn knowledge from learned teachers as a third person experience.

Second person learning is an intuitive experience. Intuition or intuitive knowing is knowledge gained other than through first or third person experience. It is intuitive learning from information gained through one of our three intuitive senses of seeing without sight, feeling without touch and knowing without any prior knowledge.

When I have knowledge of a thought, an idea or a concept in the imagination of my mind’s eye, I am the pupil of my mind’s eye and my learning is intuitive. It is my inner tutor supplying my tuition. I see information or knowledge that I did not previously know. This insightful revelation is an intuition when it is revealed as an intuitive insight. Intuitive insights are revealed from the 2nd person, which is my second Self.

My Second Self is my Soul. My Soul is my Second, my Assistant, my Supporter & my Aide in guiding & supporting my experience of physical existence. Insights are intuitive revelations from my Soul, my 2nd Self & my Higher Wise Self.

All new creative ideas originate from the source of creative ideas, which is the Soul. Rational thinkers may believe this to be counter-intuitive, which their thinking is. It is counter-intuitive to believe that all new ideas come from reasoned thinking rather than intuition. With no distinction between thinking & intuitive thoughts, intuition is counter-intuitive.

The role of the first person, the ego, is to physically experience learning knowledge held by the second person, the Soul; through relationships with a third person, who is everyone & anyone else. In my relationships with other people, they reflect to myself who I am being relative to who I am really choosing to be.

First person source of learning is the perspective of the ego sense of Self that sees me, myself & I as one person, who learns through their own experience.

Second person source of learning is the perspective of the Soul or my Sovereign Entity that is omnipotent (all feeling), omniscient (all knowing) and omnipresent (all seeing). My first person learns from my second person through revelation, insight, innovation, imagination & intuition.

Third person source of learning is called education through parenting, mentoring or teaching. Any information gained or knowledge learned from another person is part of an Individual’s ongoing personal education.

A first person source of learning and a third person source of learning can both be either a good or a bad experience. Knowledge learned from a first or a third person can be proved or reasoned to be either right or wrong and deemed to be either reasonable or unreasonable. I learn what to do, and what not to do, through knowledge of my own experience and knowledge of other people’s experiences. Whether I learn from my own experience or from another’s experience, it is just knowledge, not wisdom. Wisdom is knowledge of the absolute reality of who I am and why I am here in physical form.

Only the Soul can know when to use knowledge wisely. Second person knowledge is the wisdom of the Soul. Intuition is always certain. Intuitive wisdom allows beneficial outcomes with certainty, every time that it is followed faithfully.

Second hand knowledge comes from a third person and is used but not always useful.

Second person knowledge is ever omniscient and wise because it originates from the Higher Second Self or Soul, which is the Source of all Knowledge and the Source of all Wisdom.

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