Three Powers Of Attraction

The Power of Attraction is emotional feeling. The three emotional feelings that are most attractive are:

  • Being in Gratitude
  • Being in Appreciation
  • Being in Wonder

The quality of gratitude, appreciation & wonder determines their power of attraction.

  • Gratitude puts what I have now into my future
  • Appreciation puts more of what I have now into my future
  • Wonder is the awareness of knowing that what I have now is the perfect experience of abundant contentment

The way that Providence provides is always full of wonder, when I am positively in awe of my provision.

  • I cannot feel gratitude when I disallow my provision
  • I cannot feel appreciation when I disapprove of my provision
  • I cannot feel wonder when my provision is unacceptable

Being allowing, approving & accepting of Providence providing my provision allows my gratitude, my appreciation and my wonder to be beneficially attractive.

  • My gratitude affirms my allowance as being authorised
  • My appreciation attests my approval as being empowered
  • My wonder acknowledges that my acceptance is enabled

My gratitude is attractive, my appreciation is more attractive and my wonder is most attractive. All three are very potent and powerful.

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