Three Planes Of Consciousness

The Three Planes Of Consciousness are:

  • The Astral Plane
  • The Material Plane
  • The Etheric Plane

Physical Consciousness is a mental perspective perceived with five physical senses. From the perspective of the material plane, there is evidently a higher plane and a lower plane. The dual reality perspective of a physical & mental perception, allows a sub-conscious and a super-conscious experience of reality.

Sub-consciousness is an experience of reality perceived with four instinctive senses. As sub-conscious senses can only be experienced instinctively, they can only be known intuitively.

A Super-conscious perspective overcomes the dual nature of a physical & mental reality, with an emotional perception. The emotional reality of perceptual awareness is intuitive, not instinctive. Our super-conscious experience of reality is perceived with our three intuitive senses.

  • The astral plane is instinctive & sub-conscious
  • The material plane is physical & conscious
  • The etheric plane is intuitive & super-conscious

From the perspective of a two dimensional mind & body, the sub-conscious mind can project a conscious body through time & space as an astral projection. It is only from a three dimensional physical experience on the material plane that these astral projections can be anchored mentally & physically as a conscious experience.

It is only with a fourth dimensional emotional experience that my consciousness can enter the realm of the etheric plane. Although emotion can be felt on the material plane, it can only be attributed and attained as a quality experience on the etheric plane of awareness.

On the Etheric Plane of Awareness, body, mind & emotion form a triune reality as the Spirit of the Soul. Spirit means energy. Awareness of the etheric plane approves the unification of astral, material & etheric energies, which allows entry into the Realm of the Soul; on the Spiritual Plane of supra-consciousness.

The etheric plane is often confused with the Aether, which is one dimensional consciousness, called Unconsciousness on the Plane of Inertia.

  • The plane of inertia is one dimensional & no density
  • The plane of the astral mind is two dimensional, with one density
  • The plane of the material body is three dimensional, with two densities
  • The plane of the etheric heart is four dimensional, with three densities
  • The plane of the spiritual soul is five dimensional, with four densities

On the Soul Plane of the 5th dimension, I have four densities of mental, physical, emotional and spiritual energy. These are referred to in Christian theology as heart, soul, mind & strength.

Each dimension of consciousness, from unconscious to supra-conscious, has its own level of energetic density. This allows the evolution of the sub-conscious id, to the conscious ego, to the super-conscious entity, to the supra-conscious Soul through three distinct planes of consciousness.

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