Three Perspectives of Wellbeing Occurring

Spiritual Wellbeing is a triune reality of physical health, emotional wealth & mental wisdom. How well-being occurs in one’s life is a choice of three perspectives:

1. When life happens to me:

  • I experience the duality of physical wellness or illness
  • I experience the duality of being rich or poor in wealth
  • I experience the judgment of my good or bad choice

2. When life happens by me:

  • I suffer the problems & challenges of physical comfort or dis-ease
  • I tolerate the pain or pleasure of emotional success or failure
  • I endure the prudence of being careful in what I choose

3. When life happens through me:

  • I accept the healthy experience of a problem free life
  • I approve the wealthy experience of a pain free life
  • I allow the wise experience of a fear free life

When life happens as me, there is no duality of wellness or illness, good or bad feelings and right or wrong choices. That is the nature of how Wellbeing occurs, with a healthy wealth of wisdom.

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