Three Perspectives Of The Mind’s Eye

With my Mind’s Eye, I can see:

  • A Physical Perspective
  • An Intellectual Perspective
  • An Intuitive Perspective

My Mind’s Eye perceives or senses reality in three different ways:

  • My Mind sees with my physical eye sight, which is a physical sense
  • My Mind sees with intellectual foresight, which is an instinctive sense
  • My Mind sees with intuitive insight, which is an intuitive sense

My Mind’s Eye is a mental capacity of my perspective:

  • Eye-sight enables my conscious capacity
  • Foresight enables my sub-conscious capacity
  • Insight enables my super-conscious capacity

In my Mind’s Eye, I can see with:

  • My Vision
  • My Visualisation
  • My Imagination

With my vision, I see what is real or unreal; with my visualisation, I see what is fact or fiction and with my imagination, I see what is true or untrue.

With my vision, I see what is present; with my visualisation, I see a future projection of a past experience and with my imagination, I see my potential.

  • My vision is the perspective of my ego, which is enabling
  • My visualisation is a perspective of my id, which is constructive
  • My imagination is a perspective of my entity, which is creative

My vision allows me to construct what I can visualise and create what I can imagine. When the creative imagination of the Soul is visualised by the Self, a co-operative vision is enabled as a true & factual reality.

The role of the Self is to enable the vision of the Soul to be seen and experienced as a physical, mental & emotional reality. What is conceived in the imagination of the Soul is enabled in the mind of an intuitively intellectual Self.

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