Three Perspectives Of Integrity

Integrity is the state of oneness or being whole and in our true nature. There are three conceptual perspectives of how holiness, oneness or divine integrity is attained:

Perspective 1: Integral Reductionism follows the premise that everything comes from something. Quantum exploration reduces everything down to a measurable quanta of something, which is believed to be the foundation of everything. Science believes it to be physical particles called atoms or strings and religion believes it to be spiritual waves called divinity or love.

Perspective 2: Integral Expansionism follows the concept that everything is conceived from nothing. The paradox is that the oneness of everything expands from the singularity of nothingness. The entropy of the world comes forth from the inertia of the void. We expand physically from the spiritual oneness of nothingness to become fully at one with everything, through the process of atonement or at Onement.

Perspective 3: Integral Individuality is the reality of one individual Source for every Individual. On my own individual journey of experiential exploration & discovery, I am my own exclusively, unique and personal expression of Being in or out of Integrity. My Self is either in alignment with my Soul, or not. I am either expressing the integrity of my Soul or I am not. It is my cognition of my own individual perspective of Integrity.

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