Three Mental Perspectives Of The Self

Three Mental Perspectives of the Self are:

  1. Physical Consciousness
  2. Emotional Awareness
  3. Spiritual Conscious-Awareness

Leonardo DaVinci defined these as:

  1. Those who do not see intuitively
  2. Those who see intuitively when shown
  3. Those who see intuitively

The Gnostics called these:

  • The Hylics
  • The Pneumatics
  • The Psychics

The Mystery School named them as:

  • The Exoteric
  • The Mesoteric
  • The Esoteric

The Hermetica referred to them as:

  1. The Animal
  2. The Semi-wise
  3. The Mind

Other Sources wrote about:

  1. The Mechanical
  2. The Individuated
  3. The Cosmic Character

When awakening to spirit is seen to be a three stage process it is:

  1. Being Unawakened
  2. Being Awakened
  3. Being Awake

Born into a three dimensional level of only a physical conscious perspective, I am unawakened to my Soul’s Path for its Self.

Born with a four dimensional perspective, with my level of emotional awareness, I am awakened by the presence of my intuitive guidance & support.

Born with a five dimensional level of conscious-awareness, I am fully awake as my spiritual Soul in physical reality.

Whichever perspective the Soul chooses for its Self, there is an individual benefit, for the purpose of unique spiritual growth, on an exclusive path through life.

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