Three Mental Options

There are Three Mental Options in my Life:

  1. I can get what I Need
  2. I can get what I Want
  3. I can get what I Choose
  • What I need is Instinctive & Reactive. I react meanly & instinctively to whatever I need
  • What I want is Intellectual & Pro-active. I pro-actively seek what I want with my intellectual reasoning
  • What I choose is Intuitive & Responsible. I responsibly choose in alignment with my intuitive purpose
  1. Whatever I need is a problem
  2. Whatever I want is a challenge
  3. Whatever I choose is an opportunity
  • An instinctive, reactive need is a sub-conscious option
  • An intellectual, pro-active wanting is a conscious option
  • An intuitive responsible choice is a super-conscious option
  1. With the option of life happens to me, I will need to survive
  2. With the option of life happens by me, I will want to strive
  3. With the option of life happening through me, I am choosing to thrive

Becoming aware of my choice requires being aware of my mental options in life.

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