Three Levels of Unwellness

Acute Unwellness is my body re-balancing itself.

In a relative dual reality world, I am regularly out of balance because whatever I think , I experience.

My body is designed to re-balance and heal itself naturally.

Acute illness is actually a cute way of healing, when I see it as such.

When I see my cute way of healing as an illness, I suppress my ability to re-balance by treating the symptoms instead of the cause.

An acute unwellness that is suppressed will eventualy become a chronic illness.

Chronic Unwellness is created by a chronic cure that is the result of a chronic belief.

When an unwellness is seen as an illness instead of a re-balancing, I have a chronic perspective that in time creates a chronic illness.

Chronic unwellness that is not allowed to re-balance naturally will eventually become critical.

Critical Unwellness inevitably leads to death.

Death is both critical and fatal.

I am extremely critical of a fate that is not my destiny.

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