Three Gifts Of The Soul

The Three Gifts of the Soul to its Self, on a spiritual journey through life are:

  1. Mental Guidance
  2. Emotional Support
  3. Physical Provision

The intellect of the ego self will never understand the reason for what is currently turning up in one’s life. It can only reason that what is occurring is either beneficial or detrimental, an opportunity or a problem. Only the Soul’s intuitive pro-vision can truly see the purpose for what the Soul is providing in the way of guidance, support & provision for its Self, through life.

  • The gift of guidance is received through intuitive knowing
  • The gift of support is received through intuitive feeling
  • The gift of provision is received through intuitive seeing

Our intuition is a gift that allows acceptance and approval of the three gifts of the Soul.

The Soul offers its Self an effortless journey of beneficial spiritual growth, with adequate provision, efficient guidance and effective support. The intellect offers the ego sense of self a provision that is often inefficient, ineffective and inadequate.

With the Soul’s intuitive guidance, support & provision, clarity & direction are always present.

With the ego’s intellectual guidance, there is no support and provision is often lost, confusing & frustrating.

In the disconnection of the Self from its Soul, a spiritual life journey becomes a matter of physical survival in its inevitable spiral into an alien world of relative dual reality dramas, traumas & negative experiences.

The three gifts of the Soul in the life of Jesus Christ were given at birth by ‘Three Wise Men’ and recorded metaphorically. Only with the presence of clear intuitive guidance can I see the meaning & purpose of God’s Three Gifts to the Baby Jesus:

  1. Gold symbolises the presence of physical provision
  2. Frankincense symbolises the direction of mental guidance
  3. Myrrh symbolises the clarity of emotional support

Those with the eyes to see intuitively will accept their own individual gifts, on their own exclusive path, which allow their own unique opportunities for personal expansive spiritual growth. All the rest will have to listen to the parables about other people’s spiritual journeys through life.

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