Three Fundamentally False Beliefs

1. Problems are Mental (False)

The belief that problems are mental leads us to believe that we need to find mental solutions. We are convinced that a problem occurs because of a lack of knowledge. We believe that with enough knowledge, we can solve all the problems in the world. It is interesting to note that as our knowledge base grows and gets bigger so do the problems that the world appears to be facing. Historically, life was less complicated, problems were less complicated and solutions were relatively more simple. Today we employ great minds to solve enormous problems with complicated solutions. Ironically, the more solutions that we discover, the more problems that we experience. We carry on regardless, training managers to solve problems with advanced problem solving skills & techniques; yet we still need better and better trained & educated managers to solve the problems that keep occurring. The more educated we become, the more knowledge we gain, the more complex the problems become and the more complicated the solutions we find.

Problems are fundamentally physical in reality. With enough emotional power and enough mental authority there is no physical problem, ever. When I believe that problems are mental, I need to find a mental solution but when I know that problems are physical, I just need the capability to not see it as a problem. The answer to every physical problem is just do it, with the mental capacity of your own emotional competence.

2. Pain is Physical (False)

The belief that pain is physical is because I feel it with my physical body. Irrespective of whether a pain is in my head, in my heart or in any other part of my body; because I feel it in my body, I believe that pain is physical. I perceive mental pain to be a physical headache. When a problem does not have an apparent solution, it gives me a headache and I call it a pain. We take pain killers to relieve pain. We believe that to kill the feeling of physical pain, we must stop the pain physically travelling from our body to our brain. Painkillers are designed to stop the brain being conscious of what is causing the pain. Painkillers do not kill pain, they just interfere with the transmission of pain through the physical body. The transmission of pain in the body is emotional. Emotion flows through our body as a feeling and as a wave, so does pain.

Pain is fundamentally the feeling of negative emotion. The feeling of positive emotion is called pleasure from a relative dual reality perspective. Pain and pleasure are opposing polarities of emotional energy. All pain is a negative emotional feeling, irrespective of whether it is perceived to be physical or mental. Whatever I perceive pain to be, I believe it to be and experience it to be. Pain is emotional and with enough emotional power there is no pain but with a lack of emotional power, life can be very painful indeed.

3. Fear is Emotional (False)

The belief that fear is emotional (or irrational) comes from the belief that love & fear are polar opposites. It is assumed that because love is a positive emotion, fear must be a negative emotion. We experience a fear with negative emotion because a fear is a belief, which is a thought, and a thought is always accompanied by an emotion. A positive belief allows love to flow as an emotional feeling and a limiting or false belief blocks the flow and causes the feeling of fear.

Fear is fundamentally an intensely limiting belief, which means that fear is mental not emotional. FEAR is an acronym for False Evidence Appearing Real. Whatever appears to be real, I believe to be true, even though it may be a false belief. The best example of this is fear itself. Even though fear is the appearance in reality of a false belief, I still experience my fear as real but this is not my true reality. If a fear was based on a true reality, I could never overcome my fear. The fact that I can overcome any fear, by changing my belief that caused the fear, means that fear is fundamentally a mental belief. Beliefs are mental and feelings are emotional because every belief is a frequency of thought energy transmitted on a wavelength of emotion, it is easy to confuse fearful thinking with the emotional wavelength on which it is transmitted. When I believe that fear is emotional, I suppress my emotions so as not to experience the fear. When we suppress our emotions, we are thought to be brave and courageous, which are really emotions that have overcome the belief that is causing the fear. When I change a false belief for a true belief, I change a negative emotion for a positive one and a negative experience becomes a positive experience.

Fundamentally, the nature of fear is mental, the nature of pain is emotional and the nature of a problem is physical. In truth, all mental fear and emotional pain causes a physical problem and all mental fear and emotional pain is the effect of a physical problem.

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