Three Essentials For Choice

The Three Essentials for Choice are:

  1. Personal Authority
  2. Personal Power
  3. Personal Ability

The personal ability to choose requires both personal emotional power and personal mental authority. We each have the ability of personal choice, unless we default our power to another’s authority.

Exercising our own authority of choice is empowering. When a choice feels good, it is empowered with our own authority. We own our authority to make a choice. When a choice is not empowered, it’s authority is questionable.

The paradox is: To question an authority requires power and to feel the power requires authority. When I question the power, I expose the authority. I question the power when I ask: How do I feel about this choice.

  • When I have ability without power, my authority is externally authorised; so I will need external motivation to enable this choice
  • When I have power without authority, it is because I have deferred my authority to an external source and I believe it is wrong to make this choice
  • When I have authority without power, I fear the burden of authority that other people are externally placing upon me
  • when I have ability without authority, I will prevaricate and procrastinate because I have abdicated my power to choose

Fear is the false authority that disables power.

Pain is the negative power that accompanies a false external authority.

Problems are the inability of a disempowered authority or the unauthorised ability of an empowered choice.

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