Three Confusing Similes

Three Confusing Similes are:

  1. Caring & Providing
  2. Considerate & Thoughtful
  3. Generous & Abundant

Kindness is:

  1. Caring
  2. Considerate
  3. Generous

I can be kind & caring, kind & considerate or kind & generous. You are my Kind when you are caring, considerate & generous. We are kind, considerate & generous to our own Kind. I like you because you are kind and like who I like you to be. Kindness is likeness and I envy that which I am not like.

Kindliness is:

  1. Provident
  2. Thoughtful
  3. Abundant

Kindness & Kindliness are often confused:

  • Caring is confused with Providence and the provision of care
  • Considerate is confused with Thoughtful and thoughtful consideration
  • Generous is confused with Abundance and plenty of generosity

Providence provides provision. It doesn’t care and is never bothered. Provision is provided providentially with pro-vision without being careful or careless, bothering or not bothering; as it is care-free. Providence is my super-conscious provision of support.

Thoughtful is neither thoughtless nor inconsiderate. It is wise & inspired, being neither intellectual hindsight nor instinctive foresight. It is full of intuitively insightful thoughts that are empowered with the awareness of super-conscious guidance. I consider by thinking intellectually. I am thoughtful when I see that I know intuitively.

Abundance is neither generous nor plentiful. It is the contentment of being, doing & having enough in each present moment of time. I accept my abundance with an expression of contentment. I never need to give, receive or take generously or frugally when I am presently content with enough abundance.

The Kindness of your generous, considerate care is my emotional need; which I like, think that I love & believe that I value.

The Provision & Pro-Vision of Abundant Thought is the Kindliness of the spiritual fire, flare, & flair of the True Value of my wise, inspired & empowered, super-conscious sovereign authority.

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