Three Attributes Of Alignment

Alignment is my connection to my Authentic Self.

When connected to my authentic Self, I am aligned with my destiny.

My destiny is to follow my chosen path.

My chosen life path fulfils the purpose of the expansive evolution of my spiritual growth.

My expansive development is the spiritual growth of my Soul.

It is my destiny to realise the expansive nature of my Soul.

My Soul is my authentic Self and the author of my destiny, on which my Self is following a path of alignment.

When my Self realises it is in alignment, it consciously experiences the expansive growth of its Soul.

The question is: How do I realise that I am in alignment?

I am in alignment when I am being in alignment, as my authentic Self.

Being in alignment is being like my Soul because my Soul is my authentic Self.

My Soul is a divine entity, which is being in a state of divinity.

When I attribute a divine state of being to my Self, I am expressing a divine attribute and I am expanding my experience of being divine by attaining that attribute.

My divine presence is omniscient & omnipotent, as well as omnipresent.

Omniscience is my divine light, my intuitive knowing & my divine wisdom that allows my divine authority.

Omnipotence is my divine love, my intuitive feeling & my divine wealth that approves my divine power.

Omnipresence is my expression of a divinity, which I intuitively see as my divine health that approves my divine ability to create a divine life.

I align with my divine authority through Goodness. Divine authority flows through everything that is Good. My Soul aligns my Self with everything that is Good. I attain Goodness when I intuitively know what my Soul is authorising for its Self, through Light. Light is the authority that illuminates or enlightens my path. I am enlightened when I know which path is good for my Self. The path of Goodness is often called the Path of Righteousness because the Good path is always right for my Self.

I align with my divine power through Grace. I flow with divine power when I am being graceful. When I am full of grace, I gracefully flow with divine power. I attain grace when I intuitively feel that my Soul is empowering its Self with Love. Love is the power that empowers my journey. I am empowered when I feel the path of Grace, on which I am travelling. The path of Grace is the Way of Love because Love gracefully flows on an empowered path.

I align with my divine ability with the attainment of Gentleness. I gently flow with divine ability. My gentle ability is a balance between my force of mental authority and my magnitude of emotional power. Gentleness allows the potential of my divine ability to flow effortlessly, without restriction. I am enabled when I see the vitality of my effortlessly gentle life. Gentleness is vital to a spiritually enabled life. Life enables my Self to fulfil my potential, gently and effortlessly.

Life enables the fulfilment of my destiny when I am in alignment with my attainment of Goodness, Grace & Gentleness.

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