Three Aspects Of Life

Life is:

  1. Existential
  2. Experiential
  3. Influential

Existential Life is physical existence. I exist in a physical body in a corporeal world of physicality. My existence is my proof of physical reality and a physical reality in time & space is proof of my existence.

Experiential Life is an emotional experience. The purpose of all existential creativity is its emotional experience. Without existence, there is no experience. Without physicality, there is no emotionality. The emotional reality of experience only exists in a life of physical reality.

Influential Life is a mental influence. My mental influence is relative to my personal mentality. My mental reality influences my emotional experience of physical existence. Without emotionality, there is nothing to influence. My influence has little affect on my physical existence but an enormous effect on my emotional experience.

The Big Question in Life is: Whose influence is my experience of existence relative to?

  • With Self-Realisation, I realise that I influence the experience of my existence either consciously or sub-consciously
  • With Self-Actualisation, I am actually influencing my existential experience super-consciously

The Quality of my Life is relative to the level of Consciousness that I am aware of being influential in the experience of my existence.

  • With Self-determination, I determine which Self is the influential Self, which Self is the experiential Self and which Self is the existential Self

The Important Question is: Who is the Influential Self creating my own experience of existence called Life?

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