Thought & Emotion

Science believes that if something cannot be empirically measured and proved to exist, it doesn’t. Science is the theory of how physical matter exists. We all experience physical matter with our five physical senses. If I cannot physically see it, hear it, taste it, smell it or touch it, I cannot empirically prove that it exists.

From a scientific perspective, neither thought nor emotion exists; only the effect of our thought or emotion exists. In reality, our thoughts & emotions are our experience of physical existence. Without thought or emotion, there is no experience of physicality. What we all experience, in every moment of time, is the experiential effect of our own thoughts and emotions.

In physical reality, our thoughts & emotions are both the cause & the effect of an experience called physical life. Yet, because science can only physically sense the effects of our thought & emotion, the actual cause remains unknown.

When the cause of thought is thought to be the brain, our thinking is unreasonable. Science cannot tell me how or why a brain thinks. There is no reason for the brain’s reasoning, which is unreasonable.

Science believes that thinking is a process of the brain, whilst it has no idea what causes emotion. How the heart feels emotion, or the solar plexus processes emotion, is beyond scientific rational thinking and intellectual reasoning.

Neuro-science studies and measures the activity of the brain without any understanding of what the cause of this thinking activity is. As long as science is totally disconnected from its emotional heart, it can have no idea as to the source of emotion or what causes it.

The sense of touch is not the same as the sense of feeling, yet science has no inkling of any distinction. In a scientific, rational world, where so much of life happens to you, thought & emotion are just two intangible things that happen to all of us.

With a distinction between thought & thinking, a distinction between feeling & touch, a distinction between knowledge & knowing and a distinction between consciousness & awareness, I gain a sense that I have more sense than to be limited by just my five physical senses.

I can only become aware of the source of both my thoughts and my emotion once I become intuitively connected to their source. There is no physical source of thought or emotion. Neither is the source of the physical world, in the physical world. It is not possible to be physically conscious of anything outside of the physical world.

There is no physical evidence of the source of physical reality and there never will be. That is why science still believes that Life happened by accident. When there is no apparent cause of anything, it is deemed to have happened by accident. The Big Bang is and will remain just a theory that everything just exploded out of nothing, by accident rather than design.

The irony is that science actually believes that the source of physical reality is not physical because nothing is the absence of any substance. You could say that creation was a matter of substance that appeared out of nothing.

The source of everything, including thought & emotion can only be known intuitively.

Without an intuitively knowing Thought and an intuitively feeling Emotion, it is not possible to intuitively see both the cause & the effect of this wonderful experience called Life.

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