
Thought is the consciousness of spirit in motion.

Energy in motion is called emotion.

Thought & emotion are inseparable in absolute reality.

They are two sides of the same energy vibration.

They are the frequency & wavelength of an energy vibration of consciousness.

All consciousness is energy in motion.

The frequency & wavelength of a vibration determines its form.

The vibration of energy is its potential to manifest in the form of a plasma, a gas, a liquid or a solid, relative to its frequency & wavelength.

The cause of that creative activity is thought.

Without the conscious thought of an observing creator, nothing exists in physical reality.

It is the pure thought of consciousness that forms physical & spiritual existence.

Consciousness forms pure energy into a matter of spirit & then into physical matter.

As a part of the physical existence of spirit, I am a part of that thought process yet apart & separate from that thought process; until I remember that I am that thought process.



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