Thine Is The Kingdom

Ascension into the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth requires the amazing, almighty, magnificence of Power & Glory.

  • The Kingdom is the Dominion of Amazing Physical Choice
  • The Power is the Realm of Magnificent Emotional Perception
  • The Glory is the Sovereignty of Almighty Mental Perspective

The sovereign realm of my dominion is a real choice of my perceptive perspective. There are three perspectives of a choice of perception:

1. My almighty mental force of good authority is Omniscient. I might be right when my doubt is uncertain, though my faith is certainly good when magnificently amazing

2. My magnificent emotional magnitude of graceful power is Omnipotent. Pleasure may be pleasant, yet my joy is amazingly almighty.

3. My amazing physical potential of gentle ability is Omnipresent. It is enabled with the magnificent grace of my almighty goodness.

May Day maybe a might day of uncertainty or an Almighty Day of Faith. I may be lost in a maze of disgraceful negative confusion or Amazed by the presence of the Magnificent clarity of my Almighty direction. All might be a doubtful soulless absence without the amazing ability of the Soul’s magnificent power of almighty authority. When I magnify my mite, with the esteem of my confident worth, I have a mighty magnitude of amazing goodness, grace & gentleness; in the imagination of my creative, ponential potential.

It is my destiny to imagine the amazing, almighty, magnificence of the powerful glory of the kingdom with my:

  • Almighty Authority
  • Magnificent Power
  • Amazing Ability

This is the domain of the realm of a wonderful, creative, imaginative, Sovereign Entity that I call my Soul. For ever & ever. Amen.

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