Three Principle Perspectives

We each have a personal choice of perspective. My choice of perspective determines how life occurs as my reality. Your choice of perspective determines how life happens to you. I realise my experience of reality with my particular choice of perspective, as do you.

Physical experience is relative to personal mental thought and emotional feeling, which is unique to each Individual. I experience life happening in three principal ways relative to my principles, which are my familiar beliefs.

When I believe that what occurs in my life principally happens to me, I react emotionally without thinking. My sub-conscious autonomous mind, which is responsible for my emotional power, reacts instinctively relative to whatever is occurring. When I perceive myself to be in danger or at risk, I sub-consciously react with an instinctive choice of flight or fight.

With enough emotional power, I can consciously choose for life to happen by me. Overcoming a sub-conscious reaction, with a conscious response, requires sufficient emotional power to be effective. My conscious mind responds relative to my feelings. I respond well to whatever feels good and I respond badly to whatever feels wrong.

Becoming spiritually aware of my level of consciousness, I can choose to allow life to happen beneficially through me. The benefit of life happening through me is that it is intuitively certainly beneficial. Instead of sub-consciously reacting or consciously responding, I am immanently accepting of whatever occurs in my life, when I intuitively know that it is most beneficial for my Self.

  • Emotional thinking happens to me
  • Mindful feelings happen by me
  • Conscious-awareness happens through me

Mindful feelings turn emotional thinking into conscious-awareness.

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