There is Nothing that I Have to Do!

There is nothing that I have to do.

A have-to is a toleration.

It creates a problem.

I do not have to solve problems.

My path is to be problem-free.

A problem-free path has no resistance, no problems, no tolerations, no have-tos.

The belief that there is something that I have to do, drives my need to achieve, which is created by my need for approval.

There is nothing that I have to do.

My Soul is not concerned with what I am doing, only who I am being whilst I am doing whatever I am doing.

Doing is just the vehicle through which I express my Beingness.

Being fearless, Being pain-free, and being problem-free, do not require me to do anything.

The only thing that I am required to do is to learn to do nothing.

The equanimity of doing nothing connects my Self to my Soul.


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