There is No Room for Humbleness in Sport

There is no room for humbleness in sport.

Humbleness means adopting a lower stance than someone else.

It allows others to be superior to our self by virtue of our own inferior stance.

Superiority always wins over inferiority.

Inferiority and humbleness always loses.

There is no room for a losing mentality in sport.

With a losing mentality, competition has no worth.

Even when taking part in sport is more important than winning, there is no room for humbleness in sport.

When sport is about taking part and competing with others, winning or losing is no longer important.

When the objective of sport is to compete with one’s self to improve and grow using all other competitors as a measure of our own performance, winning and losing is no longer important.

Winning is only important to someone who has a need to win.

Losing is only a problem to those who need to win.

When I compete only with my Self, I cannot lose.

When I overcome the duality of winning and losing, I can compete with equanimity and equability and there is no need for either arrogance or humbleness in sport.

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