
Therapy is a treatment for people who are unwell and unhappy.

Physical sickness requires medicine or surgery.

Mental illness requires psychology or psychiatry.

Emotional unwellness requires counselling or therapy.

Unwellness is the emotionally negative state that is a consequence of my fears and false beliefs.

My well-being is my positive emotional state of being.

The more positive my emotional state of being, the more well-being that I am experiencing.

A negative state of  being is called unwellness or the state of being unwell.

I don’t have to be sick or ill to be unwell.

The cause of my emotional unwellness and my negative state of being is always a belief.

Therapy is a treatment for a fear or a belief that is creating a negative emotional experience.

What I feel about an experience is always the consequence of what I believe to be true about that experience.

A theraputic experience by definition feels emotionally positive and beneficial.

The purpose of therapy is to uncover the cause of the unwellness that is creating unhappiness.

Wellnesss and Happiness are my natural state of Being.

Therapy is often required to reconnect me to being who I really am.

Self-development is a journey of becoming well and happy and is therefore a therapy and a treatment for being unwell and unhappy.

Without Personal Development of my Self there can be no Spiritual Growth for my Soul.

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