The Wavelength of Emotion

Every Emotion has a Wavelength.

The wavelength and the frequency of my Consciousness is always the same yet always different.

The Wavelength of my Emotion is relative to the Frequency of my Thought.

Whether a thought is positive or negative is a matter of my perspective.

Whether an emotion is male or female is a matter of my perception.

Every wavelength of emotion has both a male and a female aspect dependent on the attitude of the experiencer.

The frequency of my thoughts determines what I think about a particular experience.

The wavelength of my emotion determines how I feel about an experience.

New thoughts create new realities; new realities create new situations; new situations create new experiences; new experiences create new emotions.

When a new frequency of thought combines with a new wavelength of emotion my vibration expands, my reality expands and my creative ability expands.

The frequency of my thought and the wavelength of my emotion combined, determine the vibration of my Beingness.

The Vibration that I am Being determines the Reality that I See.

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