The Vitality Of Being Alive

Vitality is the Vital Reality of Being Alive.

Being Awake, Alert & Aware are really vital to being Alive.

  • When I am Awake, I am aware of being alert
  • When I am Alert, I am aware of being awake
  • When I am Aware, I am alert to being awake
  • When I am awake, alert & aware, I am Alive

When I am physically awake, mentally alert and emotionally aware, I am spiritually alive.

  • I am vitally awake when I see my life is really doing well
  • I am vitally alert when I know I am having a real life
  • I am vitally aware when I feel I am being really alive

It is vital that I am mentally alert to my thoughts, emotionally aware of my feelings and physically awake to my experiences.

  • Unaware of my limiting beliefs, I am driven by my fears
  • Unaware of my emotions, I am driven by my needs
  • Unaware of my traumas, I am attached to other people’s dramas

Unawakened to my spiritual reality, I am unaware of my emotional power and disconnected from my mental authority. My emotional power and my mental authority, through my physical ability, enable the Spiritual Vitality of Being Alive.

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