The Value Of Self Worth

Self Worth is a level of value. Value is a measure of my emotional assets. My emotional assets are the qualities of value that empower me. I am empowered by the value of my emotional state of being, as it is being expressed.

Positive emotions are empowering. Negative emotions express the level of my disempowerment, which is my perceived lack of worth. I am worthy of my positive states of being. My negative emotions are unworthy of expression, as they have no emotional value.

Self Worth is relative to emotional power. Emotional power is relative to the purity of the emotion that is being expressed. The emotional state of being that I attribute to my Self determines my emotional power and my self worth. Emotional attributes that are worthy of my Self, and have high value, are vibrations of pure energy; which are prime, natural & divine.

Prime, natural & divine attributes are pure emotional states of being because they are undivided by either gender or polarity. A choice of gender & polarity determines character & personality, not my true identity. Personality & character are an expression of my unworthiness and lack of true value. There appears to be value in a positive personality, but this is really an expression of confidence not personality. It is confidence that has a positive or a negative polarity. Personality has either a male or a female gender. Whether my character appears confident or not, is not a matter of self-worth. I am never worthy of the character that I am portraying. The True identity of my Soul is beyond the personality & character of my ego self.

The limiting beliefs and fears, which define my character, cause the emotional needs, which define my personality and question my value & worthiness.

Only the pure essence of my Soul is worthy of true expression. Attaining the pure attributes and qualities of my Soul, allows my Value & Worth to flow effortlessly and powerfully from within my Self.

The Value of my Worth is in the Essence of my Emotional Feelings.

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