The Two Prime Motivators

There are Two Prime Motivators:

1. Fear
2. Need

The carrot is a symbol of what I need and the stick symbolises what I fear.

I am either motivated by fear or I am motivated by need.

I am motivated to avoid whatever I fear and to get whatever I believe that I need.

I am never motivated by love, only my need for love.

When I have enough love, I am empowered to do what I truly value.

I do not need motivation to do what I truly value because I am already empowered.

I am motivated primarily to do what I sub-consciously believe that I need to do to get my emotional needs met.

I am also motivated to avoid doing whatever I sub-consciously believe is not good for me.

I am motivated to either do or not do whatever I fear or need by either a carrot or a stick.

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