The True Value Of Happiness

A True Value is an experience that I am empowered to choose once my emotional needs are met. With no need for emotional power, I am empowered to experience in my life whatever I truly value. I am worthy of an experience that expresses my true happiness.

In the same way that we all have different emotional needs, we all have our own true values of choice. These are experiences of value that ensure our true happiness. I offer a list of true values in the appendix but it is by no means all encompassing. One person’s true value may be considered another person’s emotional need and what another person needs may be deemed to have true value for me. Every need has a value when it is met but it is not a true value.

  • A value is something that sub-consciously motivates me. It has a subjective positive effect
  • A True Value is what I choose to consciously experience when I am empowered. It is an adjective beneficial choice

The object of emotional values is that they are the absence of any subjective need and have the power to fulfil an adjective true value of my choice. What I perceive to be the source of my true happiness may have no emotional effect on you. When emotions are deemed to be aspects of love, true values are aspects of personal happiness. Don’t we all love being happy?

Emotional states of being and their true value become a clear choice of objective with the emotional intelligence to mutually agree on their adjective definition. When I can subjectively describe my emotional feelings in a rationally intellectual way, I can choose my emotional experience to be positively happy. Having a personal emotional experience of unknown quality & value is not emotionally intelligent.

“A truly valuable experience of personal choice is one that allows the enjoyment of happiness to flow”

When I ask someone if they are happy, they either say yes or tell me what they believe is making them unhappy. Few people understand the true value of their happiness and can intelligently describe their emotional state of being happy.

The personal awareness of clear adjective states of being happy and the truly valuable experiences that allow them to exist is the essence, or essential nature, of our own sovereign choice of personal happiness.

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