The True Value of an Opportunity

The True Value of an opportunity is its true value for me.

Unless an opportunity has true value, it is not a true opportunity.

A true opportunity allows the experience of a True Value.

I experience true value when I connect to the source of my emotional power.

My source of emotional power flows effortlessly with my highest choice for my Self.

My highest choice for my Self connects me to the source of my emotional power.

The source of my emotional power is my true authority.

My true authority is my highest truth about my Self.

Choosing my highest truth connects me to my highest authority and my most power.

The most power that I experience the most valuable the experience.

The most authority that I choose, the higher my truth.

Living my life with the authority of my highest truth is always a valuable opportunity.

The true value of an opportunity is that it is always problem-free.

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