The Triality of Dual Reality Relationship

Exclusively Rationally Detached is how I relate to the world from the perspective of my male energy.

  • Being Exclusive is how I relate to my intuitive higher Self, my Soul.
  • Being Rational is how I relate to my physical experience, my ego sense of Self.
  • Being Detached is how I relate to my experience of interacting with all other people.

Sensitively Emotionally Connected is how I relate to the world from the perception of my female energy.

  • Being Sensitive is how I relate  to my experience of interacting with all other people.
  • Being Emotional is how I relate to my physical experience, my ego sense of Self.
  • Being Connected is how I relate to my intuitive higher Self, my Soul.

Relationship is an essential aspect of my personal development & growth.

How I relate to the world is relative to who I attribute my Self to be in relationship with my Self, my Soul, & all other people.


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