The Test of Emotional Intelligence

The Test of my Emotional Intelligence is the degree to which I can be Happy and Well as a result of my conscious choice to be so.

It is my emotional ignorance that is depriving me of the happiness and well-being that is my true nature.

Happiness is an emotional feeling.

How can a rational person be happy in an emotional state of being disconnected and unemotional?

Well-being is an emotional feeling.

How can I feel well in a society that medicates physical and mental illness without one iota of emotional intelligence?

It is my lack of emotional intelligence that disconnects me from my true emotional nature.

A logical world has become an unemotional world devoid of happiness & well-being and full of sadness & sickness. This society has lost its connection to its true wealth and its true health and happiness.

In an emotionally intelligent world, the only irrational behaviour is to be unemotional and intellectually challenged to the point of having to disconnect from one’s own emotional experiences.

Being unemotional is being emotionally unintelligent.

Containing one’s emotions means not expressing one’s emotions, which is suppressing them and choosing to disconnect from them.

Expressing who I really am requires the emotional intelligence of knowing who I really am.

Knowing who I really am is the true Test of Emotional Intelligence.

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