The Tears of a Clown

The Tears of a Clown will make me either laugh with joy or cry with sorrow.

Either way, the clown is connecting me to my Soul at the heart of my Beingness.

The face of  a clown is always smiling even though the tears may be of sadness.

Whether my tears are of joy or sorrow is purely determined by the polarity of my perspective.

When I perceive something to be negative and bad for me, I will weep tears of pain and sorrow.

When I see the same thing as positive and good for me, I will weep tears of pleasure and joy.

My Soul knows only Joy.

My Soul knows that my tears are the release of an emotional blockage caused by a limiting belief, and therefore tears are always a beneficial opportunity to grow.

Tears release me from my pain and have the potential to connect me to the Joy in my Heart.

When I don’t know whether to laugh or cry, I weep tears of Joy that connect me to my True Self.

The smiling Clown knows that Tears are always beneficial and never detrimental.

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