The Sun Is Not Hot!

The Sun is neither hot nor cold and is both hot & cold.

Relative temperature is the result of the vibration of atoms & molecules.

Vibration is the product of the frequency & wavelength of energy.

The faster (higher)the frequency of energy, the greater the vibration of matter and the higher the apparent heat.

The higher the frequency, the shorter the wavelength of electro-magnetic energy.

The Sun emits a full spectrum of electro magnetic energy.

Heat is a measure of the frequency of electro-magnetic waves in the infra-red & microwave range.

Light is a measure of the frequency of electro-magnetic waves in the visible & ultra-violet range.

Sound is a measure of the frequency of electro-magnetic rays in the radio wave range.

I am receiving the Sun’s energy vibration with a full spectrum of wavelengths & frequencies, but as I am only particularly sensitive to heat, light & sound, the Sun appears to me to be very hot, very  bright & very quiet.

With my 5 physical senses I can see the Sun’s light and feel the Sun’s heat, yet cannot smell, taste or hear it.

With my 6th intuitive sense, I can explore its energy vibration to determine its energetic qualities.

Clouds do not cool the heat of the Sun, they filter out the vibration of matter that feels hot to my skin.

Clouds cannot cool the Sun because the Sun is not Hot!

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