The Source Of Inertia

The Source of Inertia is Source.

The Source of Stillness is within each of us. To connect with Source, I connect with the stillness within me.

Pure thoughts of inspired revelation come from the stillness within. They originate from the inertia of the inner stillness. Pure thought just flows, when it is allowed to.

When I connect with the stillness within, I become at one with the source of inertia. I connect with my pure thoughts and release the power of my pure emotional energy. Emotional energy is inert, until realised by active thought.

Pure wavelengths of emotion flow from Source in alignment with pure frequencies of thought. Emotion is inert until activated by the consciousness of a mindful thought.

Pure thought is the authority of the Mind releasing the power of Emotion within a Physical Entity. Wavelengths of emotional power are released with the authority of pure mental thought.

As impure thinking resists the flow of innate emotional power, it requires will power to motivate action. When actions are not authorised at Source, emotional power remains inert as it is not empowered to flow.

When emotion is empowered to flow, it is authorised by expansive thought. Expansive thought is aligned with the Soul’s direction for its Self. The Soul’s direction always flows in the direction of expansiveness.

Impure thinking is a contract made with my sub-conscious Self. My sub-conscious Id contracts to manage my emotional power, when I am disconnected from Source Energy. It is my sub-conscious will that needs will power to carry out unauthorised actions, when I am not emotionally empowered with my Soul’s authority.

Expansiveness flows from a point of inertia. Inertia is the point of nothingness from which everything flows into the reality of existential experience.

Inertia is the Source of Everything and the potential for something and anything to be created as a real experience. Creative energy is an inert potential until realised in the form of the imagination of its creator.

Inertia is the source of imagination. It takes imagination to realise the potential of something from nothing. Imagination is inert until made manifest in material form. From the inertia of the imagination spring forth the vibrations of physical energy.

Imagination is the realisation of the innate & inert potential of the Human Mind realising the Source of its own Creation.

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