The Six Stages Of Yoga Mastery

The Six Stages of Yoga are a Yogi’s personal path to the Enlightenment and Mastery of Oneness with the Soul-Self.

  1. Pranayama is breath control that connects to the awareness of life force energy or prana; the Soul’s omnipresent Self.
  2. Pratyahara is mental withdrawal that tunes out the sub-conscious thinking of the ego mind.
  3. Dhyana tunes into the meditative alpha brain waves of the higher mind of the super-conscious Soul.
  4. Dharana is asking for guidance, direction or clarity by concentrating the focus of the mind on one thoughtful question.
  5. Tarka is listening in creative contemplation that allows the answer to intuitively flow into conscious-awareness.
  6. Samadhi is hearing the answer and absorbing it into conscious reality, which creates the divine unity of the question & the answer.

Samadhi is that Ah! Ha! Moment of learning who I Really Am and Why I Am Here, by hearing the messages that the Soul sends to its Self in guidance & support for the Journey of the Soul-Self towards its chosen Destiny in physical reality.

With my Acceptance that The Soul Is The Master, I approve of my Divine Power and allow the Soul’s Authority to flow effortlessly through my Self.

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