The Shrink Age

In the ‘Shrink Age’, our mental insanity was diagnosed by a Shrink. The profession of Psychiatry was an unhealthy ‘try’, to heal the ‘psyche’. The real insanity was that psychiatrists believed that the distortions of the mind are caused by a fault in the brain. With no physical access to the brain, psychiatry issued an insane prognosis of mentally incurable and locked people away in an asylum. After a hundred years of failed psychiatric experimentation, Psychology was invented to study abnormally, insane behaviour. Another hundred years later, psychologists, who set out to make people happy, only managed to make them less miserable. With the advance of modern technology, Neurologists are now able to electronically probe the brain, for distortions in counter-intuitive brainwave activity. They are still in ignorance & denial of the true source of the Alpha frequency of the thoughtfulness & mindfulness of a super-consciously aware, supra-conscious Soul. Psychiatry, Psychology & Neurology have all shrunk from the Truth of the Psyche.

Ancient Greek Philosophy intuitively knew Psyche as the Mind of an individuated Soul, not the mind of the brain. The brain doesn’t have a mind of its own. Each individual Mind of the Soul is the Mind of an Individual with a physical processor called a brain.

The Four Spiritual Aspects of every Individual Entity are: Heart, Soul, Mind & Strength. These are the philosophical metaphors of Air, Fire, Water & Earth. The 1st Commandment of Christ Consciousness is to love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, soul, mind & strength. These are the metaphysical elements of emotional feeling, spiritual learning, mental thought & physical action. Greek philosophers knew them as Pneuma, Psyche, Nous & Soma.

Psyche is the means through which spiritual learning occurs. SOUL is an acronym for Source Of Unconditional Learning, in an unlimited life of love & light. In the intellectual search for unlimited learning, modern science has confused the mind with the brain and the unconditional learning of the Soul has been shrunk to just a myth of ancient philosophy.

Modern Neurology remains in ignorance & denial of the true source of our mental authority, our emotional power and our physical ability as an individual Spiritual Creator. The strength at the heart of the mind of the Soul is spiritually creative, through the unity of our mental, physical, emotional & spiritual energy.

The Holy Trinity of the Father, Son & Holy Spirit is a metaphorical & metaphysical, holistic communion. It is the triune reality of mental authority (mind), physical ability (strength) & emotional power (heart). It allows the creativity of a creative Psyche (soul) to be realised on Earth as it is in Heaven.

Experienced in the Relative nature of Earth, as it is in the Absolute nature of Heaven, what is being realised by the Self is the evolution of the Soul. It is the Soul evolving through the unconditional learning of the psyche of each individual Self.

It was realised in the Shrink Age that the intellectual mind alone cannot shrink a tumour. I realised that I can explore and discover the experiences of my fate, until I attain the power of my heart to fulfil the expansive evolution of my destiny.

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