The Shadow

The Shadow is the effect caused when the Sub-conscious Id is blocking or filtering the light of the Soul Entity from the Ego Self. A limiting belief, stored in the sub-conscious Id, throws a shadow over the conscious ego, which blocks the guidance of the super-conscious Soul Entity and disallows its powerful emotional support.

The reduction in emotional power, caused by the shadow, has the affect of causing a need for emotional power. This either drives the ego to act in a disconnected, unemotional & insensitive way; or causes an inclusive, irrational, attachment to an external substitute for one’s own emotional power.

Limiting beliefs, which cause fear, dread, worry or anxiety are the primary cause of our emotional needs; which define our shadow self.

The shadow is both the cause and the affect of all the distortions, entropy, chaos & resistance that is experienced on one’s individual, unique and exclusive path through life.

When I walk in my own shadow, I am experiencing my own disconnection from my beneficial source of divine power, authority & ability.

The disconnection of my ego from my entity, due to the imperfections of my id, disallow the provision of my higher guidance & support.

Eliminating the shadow self requires the reprogramming of the false sub-conscious belief system of the Id, to come into alignment with the super-conscious authentic truth of the entity; which allows the enlightened illumination of the True Id-Entity.

Reprogramming the sub-conscious id requires the conscious intellectual ego to get its own emotional needs met in an effective and efficient way. By the ego intellectually understanding its own need for emotional power, it consciously takes control of meeting its own emotional needs. This is essential for effectively & efficiently overcoming the affects caused by the shadow self.

I overcome my shadow self by shining light on its absence of true clarity & direction. When my light comes from without, it casts a shadow but when my light emanates from within, I cast no shadow.

  • In the absence of clear mental direction and emotional support, my ego remains in the darkness of its own shadow
  • In the presence of clear mental direction and direct emotional support, I enlighten my shadow and illuminate my true path

“In the presence of my shadow, I experience my fate and in the absence of my shadow, I experience my destiny.”

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