The Seven Rays Of Aspect

The Seven Rays of Aspect are the seven aspects of our true identity, refracted through the prism of the human Id-Entity. They are the alignment of the three primary male aspects of human Beingness with the three primary female aspects; to attain the true expression of four dimensional Human Essence.

  • Ray One: Interpreting Authentic Reality, through the rational intellect of the Crown chakra
  • Ray Two: Seeing Purposeful Creativity, through the intuitive emotion of the Third Eye
  • Ray Three: Harmonising Right Resolution, through the intellectual detachment of the Throat chakra
  • Ray Four: Surrendering to Unconditional Love, through the intuitive sensitivity of the Heart
  • Ray Five: Realising Higher Wisdom, through the exclusive intellect of the Solar Plexus
  • Ray Six: Yearning Self Expression, through the intuitive Connection of the Sacral chakra
  • Ray Seven: Shaping Synchronistic Magic, through the intellectually intuitive Root chakra

Rays one, three & five require a male intellectual perspective to realise a harmonious interpretation of authentic, right, wisdom; which is rational, detached & exclusive.

Rays two, four & six require a female intuitive perception that purposefully creates a self expressed yearning of unconditional love; which is emotionally, sensitively, connected.

Ray seven requires a male, conscious, intellectual perspective to align with a female, intuitive, perceptual awareness; spiritually grounded in a physical earthly reality that is spiritually expansive.

The unification of the female perception of intuitive rays with the male perspective of intellectual rays, primarily requires the distortions of all seven aspects of the Shadow Self to be personally addressed.

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