The Secret To Winning

The Secret to Winning is not Losing.

Winning & losing are a duality of the same experience. This means that they are a perspective of polar opposites. In every dual reality, I have a choice of choosing one or the other but not both. In every competition between two people, where there is one winner; there is also one loser.

For & against is also a duality. When I perceive that I am playing against an opponent and for myself, I can either win or lose. When I choose to play for myself and for my partner, we both gain and neither of us loses.

When I compete with an opponent to gain knowledge, skill & experience, as well as enjoyment & fulfilment, I am content whether I win or not. Winning & losing and gaining & losing are two different dualities of my own choice of perspective. When I gain with or without winning, I cannot lose. When I am gaining experience, skill & knowledge, I am learning and whenever I am learning, I am winning the competition that I am having with myself.

In every competition, my partner is there to facilitate my learning and I am there to facilitate theirs. It is not about teaching them a lesson but about a mutual opportunity for learning, in which we both gain and neither of us lose; irrespective of who is declared the winner.

In a world of duality, I always have a choice: I have a choice of winning or losing and a choice of gaining or losing. When I choose gaining over winning, I often gain a win and I never experience any loss. I always win the experience of gaining my own personal growth by experiencing how good I really am and how much better I can become, until I am good enough.

There is nothing to gain from either competing with or against an opponent who is not good enough to compete or good enough to learn.

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