The Secret To Self-Confidence

The Secret to Self-confidence is intuitive. When intuition is hidden, so is self-confidence. It is hidden behind a veil of intellectual limitation. An intellectual limitation defines a reason why not. It defines a logical reason why failure is an option. Any negative thinking has an adverse affect on self-confidence. It is the belief that I can fail that destroys my confidence.

Self-confidence effortlessly flows when I intuitively know that I cannot fail because my intellectual reasoning is in positive alignment with my intended choice of action.

Self-confidence is the mental ability to confide in one’s Self. It is my complete faith in my ability to make certainly beneficial choices. When I keep my confidence a secret, I hide my intuitive ability, by not confiding in my true Self. My confident true Self confides in me when I am intuitively listening. My true Self is the confidence that is within me.

With full confidence in my Self, I always make wise choices. I cannot make confident choices when I am hiding my own ability from myself. The ability to know, feel & see intuitively, supporting a choice with intellectual reasoning and without any instinctive reaction, is the secret to self-confidence.

  • When I go against my instinctive feelings and my intellectual reasoning in favour of external influential advice, I will not be confident
  • When I choose with my intellectual reasoning, against my instinct, I will not be confident
  • When I favour my intuition, in opposition to my intellectual reasoning, I will not be confident

Self-Confidence requires the agreement of my head, my heart & my soul. It is clearly apparent when my instinct, intellect & intuition are all in alignment. I am confident that my choice is certainly beneficial when all three aspects of my sub-conscious, conscious & super-conscious Self are all in alignment, unity & agreement.

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