The Secret To Health & Healing

The Secret to Health is Self-Healing.

There is nothing I have to do to self heal, except just allow it. Self healing doesn’t happen to me or by me, it happens through me. I instinctively allow myself to heal when I intuitively know with certainty that my body has the ability to heal itself.

Health is a state of physical, mental & emotional balance. Any imbalance leads to a state of ill health. Negative mental beliefs cause negative emotional needs, which when unmet cause negative physical symptoms.

Physical symptoms are the body’s physical signs of it naturally detoxifying emotionally to regain a healthy mental perspective. When I perceive myself to be healthy, that is my personal experience.

Being healthy requires that I allow my body to self heal:

  • Blocking my natural ability to self heal will manifest the symptoms of an acute lack of wellbeing
  • Blocking the symptoms of acute dis-ease causes a chronic sickness
  • Blocking the healing of a chronic sickness causes a critical illness

When an incurable critical illness is diagnosed as terminal, it is indeed fatal.

The symptoms of an acute illness are the effects of the body’s self healing system, called the immune system. Being immune or exempt from illness allows the body to self heal effectively and efficiently.

Inflammation, histamine and thrombosis are all part of the natural healing system, not illnesses. Coughing, crying, sneezing, diarrhea, sweating, fever and blood pressure are all natural symptoms of a detoxifying and self maintaining body.

Healthy bacteria & fungi are essential to the nature of the human biome. The efficient cleansing of toxic bacterial, fungal and viral pathogens is essential to maintaining a good healthy physical environment within the body.

The only assistance that the body ever needs is to allow it to self maintain a healthy balance through restoration and cleansing. When the body slowly moves out of balance over a long period of time, it takes time for the body to heal itself by coming back into balance.

The body instinctively knows what it needs to self heal. Pain is the body expressing a deficiency of emotional energy, which is the power of self healing. Fear is the body expressing a false belief that it is incapable of self healing. Worry and anxiety are symptoms of mental dis-ease, which cause a physical imbalance and an emotional deficiency.

Fear is a mental dis-ease and pain is an emotional unwellness. Fear & pain ensure that illness is a problem. When I face the fear, I eliminate the pain and allow every opportunity for my body to heal itself and maintain a healthy experience of life.

The secret to Health and Healing is to allow healthy mental thoughts to flow through the mind and healthy emotional feelings to flow through the body. It is not possible to think I am ill and be well. It is not possible to feel well and be sick.

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