The Rule Of Reverse Effort

The Rule of Reverse Effort states: What is allowed to go right, will go right for the benefit of the Soul.

The obverse rule is called ‘Sod’s Law’, aka ‘Murphy’s Law’, which states: What can go wrong, will go wrong to the detriment of the ego self.

“The more effort & toil my labour, the more ardour & turmoil my fervour”

The obverse law is an adverse law and the diverse rule is the reverse rule, which is a distinctly contrasting version.

The path of reverse effort is less effort allows effortless flow, towards the freedom of no effort at all. Effort is always a problem, effortless is a challenge and an opportunity is no effort at all, being free of all resistance, entropy & inertia. It takes great effort to overcome the entropy of inertia and no effort to flow freely with the fluid, flux of imaginative flair.

Resistance, entropy & inertia cause the intolerable frustration, of my chaotic confusion, of being disorientated & lost. With effortless fluid direction and a clear flow of present flux, my flair is no effort at all.

The clarity of my present direction, with the presence of my clear direction, present my direction with clarity. With a clear vision of my present mission, having a direct purpose, I proceed effortlessly on my effort free path. It soon becomes obvious that the only aversion that is diverting my way is the envious & devious, adverse conversations, which I am having with myself.

My Psyche is super-consciously, universally free of the adverse, diverse, inversions of my contravening, controversial, converse, conversations with the negativity of my sub-conscious self. When I converse clearly, directly & presently with my Psyche, I attain the true version of my effort free mission, through the vision of a faithful purpose, which is my chosen destiny for my life.

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