The Rule of Promotion

The Rule of Promotion states that: “Some things are more equal than others”.

The things that are less equal than others are perceived to be bad when I believe that being more equal is good for me.

Promotion is the art of making something appear good.

The more something appears to be good, the easier it is to promote it.

Whatever I want and whatever I like, I deem to be good.

I promote whatever I like and I deem to be good for me.

Promotion is a subjective view of an individual perspective.

Individual perspectives are potentially equal, yet equally different.

It is the difference of perspective that determines whether a thing is good or bad and should be promoted or not.

Individual perspective never sees both good & bad equally, preferring to have a preference.

Without a preference, nothing would ever be promoted.

As a rule, promotion disallows the equanimity, equability and equality of natural Attraction.

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