The Role of the Guide

The Role of the Guide is neither:

  • A master nor a slave
  • A teacher nor a pupil
  • A parent nor a child
  • A leader nor a follower
  • An employer nor an employee

A Guide does not teach, train, instruct, direct, lead, protect,consult, mentor or advise.

A Guide:

  • Supports others on their own path
  • Hears the messages that are directions on that path
  • Explains the lessons that are required to be learned
  • Outlines the shifts in perspective that are necessary to make
  • Reveals the resolutions to the problems that are appearing
  • Clarifies the challenges that are presenting
  • Highlights the opportunities that are opening up
  • Connects others to the power of their own inspiration
  • Keeps the client ‘present’
  • Reveals the clients gifts (presents)
  • Facilitates the clients presence

A Guide is the modern day Messiah that accesses the wisdom of the Oracle.

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