The Reason For Authority

The Reason for Authority is to empower Ability.

Ability is empowered when it is reasonable. When ability is unreasonable, it is disempowered.

The reason for authority is to make wise choices. Wisdom is the reasonable choice of authority. Without wisdom, authority is unreasonable and unfathomable. A fathom is a measure of depth. There is no depth to unwise shallow thinking.

The reason for authority is the ability of wise guidance. With a reason that is supported with a purpose, I have wise guidance. There is no mental reason to enable my ability without any particular purpose. Without a clear purpose, any guidance or direction is unreasonable. Every reasonable direction of choice has the support of a clear purpose.

The ability or inability to be empowered is due to the polarity of my direction. Forward directions are direct and empowered, whereas backward directions are indirect and disempowered. There is always a bipolar choice of direct or indirect guidance.

  • Direct guidance is intuitive & subjective
  • Indirect guidance is instinctive & objective

My choice is always the subject of my objectives.

  1. Instinct is the indirect guidance of my personal survival
  2. Intuition is the direct guidance of my thriving beneficial growth
  3. Intellect is the conscious mean balance of my sub-conscious instinct with my super-conscious intuition

When I instinctively choose my intuitive intellect, the authority of my choice is most reasonable.

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