The Reality of Now

The Reality of Now is beyond the illusion of dual reality existence.

The illusion of now is the present moment of time.

The present moment of time is a time that is equidistant between my past and my future.

To be present in the time of now requires my movement out of the judgments of the past and my expectations of the future.

To have the Presence of the Reality of  Now is to accept the gift of Life that is being offered at this Time and within this Space.

To be in the Reality of Now is to come face to face with my Destiny.

My fate runs sequential in time from my past to my future.

My Destiny is to live the Reality of Now.

The Reality of Now flows in Time through Space.

When I am lost in the illusion of the duality of time & space, I am nowhere.

When I find the Reality of Now, in the triality of Space-Time-Reality, I am being the Now Here Presence.

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