The Reality of Freedom

Freedom is not real until it is created.

Reality is created through a process of thought, word and deed.

In reality, True Freedom requires ‘freedom of thought’, ‘freedom of speech’ and ‘freedom of action’.

My thoughts become my beliefs that become the behaviour of my actions.

What is real to me is the experience that my thoughts, my words and my actions have created for my Self to experience.

To experience freedom, I first have to create it.

To create freedom, I first have to define it.

To define freedom, I first have to realise what freedom means to me.

When I know what freedom means to me, I can then speak it.

When I speak of freedom and know it to be my Truth, I can then realise it.

When I realise my freedom, it becomes my reality and I can then experience it.

When I can experience the freedom of my reality, I know the Reality of my Freedom.


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