The Reality of Dr Who

The TARDIS is Dr. Who’s fictional Time Machine that resembles a Police Telephone Box.

It is an acronym for Time And Relative Dimension in Space.

The Heliosphere that is our Solar System is a Reality that travels Relative to the Dimensions of both Time & Space.

Time & Space are relative dimensions of Reality.

The reality of each present moment is experienced in both time & space.

Reality is continuously changing as we travel through the relative dimensions of time & space in every moment of Now.

Each continuous moment of reality is etched for eternity into the infinite fabric of time & space.

The reality of space-time is experienced as Earthly Life.

We do not need a ‘machine’ to travel in space or time, our planet Earth is already undertaking that journey.

Planet Earth is the centre of life within the heliosphere of our solar system.

The Heliosphere is both a time capsule that travels in space and a space capsule that travels in time.

It has been travelling around our Central Galactic Sun for billions of life years in time and also travelling for billions of light years  in space.

When we travel in space, we travel in time and when we travel in time we travel in space.

Time And Space are Relative Dimensions in Reality as well as in our science fiction.





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